If you hate airports, here are some hobbies that can make your wait happier

Waiting at the airport can be tedious and the hours can go on forever, so here you will find 5 things you can do while you wait for your flight

If you hate airports, here are some hobbies that can make your wait happier

Waiting can become frustrating. We get anxious and look at the clock many times with the hope that the needles will move quickly.

The waiting time will be more or less easy to take depending on the airport where you are. 

According to the latest study conducted by the Edreams company with the opinion of more than 65,000 customers, the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport (Finland) is considered the best airport in the world, surely the hours pass faster in such a place. However, certain activities can help make your waiting easier, regardless of where you are. Taking advantage of time is the key!

What you can do:

  1. Reading: The best are books that tell captivating stories. If you do not have one on hand or you do not like much reading try magazines or newspapers.
  2. Games: If you like video games, make sure you have them all on your mobile, on your tablet or on your console. In fact, several airports have specialized rooms for this activity, if that's what you like you can check in advance to reserve during your wait.
  3. Write or draw: These activities make the time pass almost without you noticing. Take a notepad or diary with you to write. You can also get a book of mandalas or make your own, do not forget to bring your colors and markers.
  4. Organize your phone: Most people have the problem of cleaning their photo folder. This is the perfect time to delete old files that fill the cell phone memory, also to organize our contact list, and check which applications we no longer use. Remember to have a charger at hand.
  5. Music: Without a doubt, music helps to pass the time and improves our mood. Make sure you make a good playlist with all your favorite topics before leaving your house. You can call it Good time at the airport.

Which of all the activities do you like the most? There are no more excuses to get bored at the airport.


Latin American Post | Brenda Barbosa
Copy edited by Susana Cicchetto

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