Are you a single mom? These laws can benefit you

Maternity leave and pension access are some of the laws that benefit single mothers in this three Latin American countries

Are you a single mom? These laws can benefit you

Then we invite you to know some of the laws that benefit single mothers in Argentina, Colombia, and Bolivia

Leer en español: ¿Eres mamá soltera? Estas leyes te podrán beneficiar


In this country, governed by President Mauricio Macri, the "Law 5110: Application for single-parent pension", its created for single mothers, widows or abandoned who have one or more children under 16 years, can apply for their pension. "The benefit reaches mothers who for various reasons have been left helpless and as a result are in a situation of high social-economic vulnerability, whether of indigence or poverty," highlights the website of the government of Argentina for the city of Santa Fe.

It must be said that there are some requirements to access government assistance, according to the aforementioned website, are:

  • Be the mother of one or more children, under 16, widowed, single or abandoned
  • Not to possess goods, salaries, rents or resources that allow their subsistence
  • Not receive retirement, pension or subsidy of any nature, representing an income greater than the amount of the benefit established by this Law
  • Accredit in a summary and reliable way the state of necessity
  • Do not have relatives with a food obligation who live with the beneficiary or not. If the income of those only reach to meet their own minimum needs and their dependents.


In 2017 the law of motherhood was approved by the government of Juan Manuel Santos in which every mother who gives birth has the right to enjoy 4 months and a half of maternity leave, equivalent to one month more than the previous one law that there was. It is to remember that this law works not only for single mothers but for mothers who are heads of families or who live with their partners.

Likewise, the maternity leave of 4 months will have to be remunerated by the company in which she works, according to the salary she earns. If you can not access the maternity leave, yes or yes you will have to receive the money corresponding to 4 months for your company.


Since the law was enacted, the companies where single mothers work or who live with their partners will have to create a 'Friendly Room for the Lactating Family'. In this place, all mothers who are linked to a company with more than 50 employees can go to deposit their milk in a special place so that, later, it is given to their babies. It is important to say that the rooms and the place where the milk is deposited, will have to comply with all the health and hygiene regulations that guarantee the safety of the food that the baby will take.

The foregoing, as, according to the Political Constitution of Colombia, "provides a special protection to the head of the family as stipulated in Article 43, is therefore the state is required to establish effective mechanisms to provide protection special to the female head of the family, promoting the strengthening of their economic, social and cultural rights ".

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According to the Constitution of Bolivia, in article 45, "women have the right to a safe motherhood, with an intercultural vision and practice; they will enjoy special assistance and protection from the State during pregnancy, childbirth and in the prenatal and postnatal periods ".

On the other hand, data from the National Institute of Statistics of Bolivia (INE), reveal that the working condition of women, in what has to do with the urban area is informal. In addition, the economic remuneration of women who have a job in the city is lower than that of men.

However, every woman, whether a single mother or living with her partner, in accordance with Article 48 of the Constitution of Bolivia, will be benefited by the State "who should promote and monitor that their incorporation IGNORE INTO work, guarantee the same remuneration than men for work of equal value, both in the public and in the private sphere ".


LatinAmerican Post | Edwin Guerrero Nova

Translated from: '¿Eres mamá soltera? Estas leyes te podrán beneficiar'

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