Extreme cleaning and isolation could cause Acute Childhood Lifoblastic Leukemia

The study conducted by Professor Mel Greaves shows that early exposure to environmental factors and other children could prevent the onset of this disease

Extreme cleaning and isolation could cause Acute Childhood Lifoblastic Leukemia

In a new analysis carried out by the Institute of Cancer Research, located in London, the probable cause of the onset of Acute Lifoblastic Leukemia (ALL), the most common type of cancer in children, has been discovered.

Leer en español: La limpieza extrema y el asilamiento podrían causar Leucemia Lifoblástica Aguda Infantil

Professor Mel Greaves and his team have concluded, after years of research and monitoring, that this lethal disease is more likely to occur in children who during their first year of life were in homes where cleaning conditions were extreme, without much interaction with other infants.

The "paradox of progress"

This has been titled the report of conclusions that Greaves has reached after 30 years of studies, and it is a health phenomenon composed of two important factors: genetic and environmental.

The first involves a mutation at the time of embryonic development that predisposes children to suffer this terrible disease; the second, which is crucial, is the continuous exposure to different viral infections after having had an early childhood away from them, which would trigger the development of the disease.

This "condemnation" of modern societies is a lethal mixture between the lack of exposure to bacteria in early childhood which prevents the proper development of the immune system that causes, as a consequence, the manifestation of the disease after the body is exposed to them.

Good news for children and their families

Finally, we can prevent a significant number of diseases by exposing children in their first years of life to "harmless bacteria" in their daily routine such as daycare and the practice of breastfeeding, which would allow the immune system to be reinforced from very early on. early age.

"The research strongly suggests that Acute Lifoblastic Leukemia (ALL) has a biological cause and that it is triggered as a result of exposure to a variety of diseases to infants whose immune systems have not been properly reinforced," says Greaves after checking the same in human subjects and animals of study as the process – which involves two steps – was repeated in the population. According to the study, the most important factor is the environmental factor.

The impact of this discovery will be decisive in the way in which this disease and many others will be treated; it represents the first unified theory after 30 years of studies worldwide that discards the myths and ancient beliefs about the development of Acute Lifoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in children.

Greaves suggests that the conclusions of this discovery and its evidence can also be applied to type I diabetes, asthma, allergies, and other types of autoimmune diseases. These could be avoided if children from the first year of life are exposed to all kinds of environmental and social conditions.

Latin American Post | Pilar Matos
Translated from " La limpieza extrema y el asilamiento podrían causar Leucemia Lifoblástica Aguda Infantil "

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