Can the brain be trained to avoid dyslexia?

Scientists believe that this organ can be "trained" to avoid this condition

Can the brain be trained to avoid dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a condition of the brain that makes reading, spelling, writing and in some cases speech difficult. This condition is much more common in children than in adults and occurs more often in men than in women.

Leer en español: ¿Se puede entrenar el cerebro para evitar la dislexia?

For people suffering from dyslexia, emotional support is essential, since they require a greater effort to perform certain tasks and it is important that family and friends motivate and value their efforts.

Over the years, several neuroscientific studies have been conducted that have shown that the brain is able to naturally adapt the frequency of its brain waves with the oscillations or rhythm of what it listens to at each moment. However, not much was known about the consequences of the brain-entrainment effect on regions of the brain that are directly related to language processing.

In a study conducted by the Baque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL), with the help of magnetoencephalography, a non-invasive technique that records neuronal activity while participants listen to talk, this aspect was studied .

The study analyzed in depth the brain synchronization of 72 people and showed that the synchronization with speech is more intense when the brain listens to low frequency waves. The study also showed that this synchronization results in a direct activation of brain regions related to language processing.

The scientists who conducted this research believe that children's brains can be "trained" to avoid dyslexia, because by stimulating them with rewards, when they listen to talk, brain synchronization is increased, helping children to pay more attention to tones, accents, and IGNORE INTOnations of speech, as proved in the study published by the European Journal of Neuroscience.

In previous studies, the researchers found that children with dyslexia show a weak synchronization with low frequency bands, that is, a low activation of the regions related to language processing. Similarly, it is scientifically proven that young people who do not optimally process low frequency waves have greater difficulty in decoding phonemes and words, which is directly related to reading ability and disorders such as dyslexia.


Nicola Molinaro, one of the researchers who conducted the study, explains that in childhood therapeutic interventions focused on language learning can be developed. The therapy stimulates the low frequency hearing components to get a clearer idea of ​​the sounds that make up the language. If the training sessions are constant, children with language delay can be helped to recover the attention mechanisms .

For Molinaro it is important to continue studying this phenomenon with the aim of analyzing what happens in the brains of bilingual people, who are learning a new language, or in patients with brain injuries.


Latin American Post | Andrea Rojas
Translated from "¿Se puede entrenar el cerebro para evitar la dislexia?"


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